Our words hold the potential to release life or death in all the ways that we use them, whether in prayer, conversation, or self-talk. God gives us the best example to follow, as He created all that we see in the heavens above, the earth below, and the waters from words. God imparted the same authority, as Image bearers and those who carry His Name, to form reality with the words we speak.

When we form our words in faith, inspired by our Father, we see the fruition of what we have believed and dared to speak. The sound of faith, that is the Word of God, esteems the authority of Jesus above the limiting beliefs that govern our mental and emotional health.

We can see that this is why the enemy endeavors to destroy our faith. It has the power and authority to release heaven’s reality on earth. Satan knows the exquisite beauty of heaven and all he forfeited in trying to take God’s place.

As a true enemy, he is counting on us to rehearse limiting beliefs and remain disconnected from our true identity. As long as we do not mobilize our godly authority to release the Father’s Heart, we present no major threat to his intentions to take dominion as God intended (Genesis 1:26, 28).

In Scripture, we see that the devil had to wait in line and petition God before gaining permission to access Job (Job 1:6-22). In the New Testament, we see again that Satan had plans for the disciples (Luke 22:31). The adversary wanted to influence Peter and wants to do the same to us. He will come to shred our mental health and emotional stability with the onslaught of dysfunction that perpetuates limiting beliefs, but he can only touch us to the degree that God allows.

Releasing the Sound in Prayer

We can take this insight and apply it to how we engage in our spiritual battles. When we face the inevitability of tough times, we need to remember that if God allows any measure of suffering, there is grace for us to endure and conquer (Romans 8:37). Although we may not see it readily, glory will follow.

We must consider this and pray from a place of confidence, knowing that God sees and hears us. He may have allowed some things to happen in our lives, but we still retain the authority over the power of darkness and overcome it by the word of our testimony.

Releasing the Sound in Self-Talk

We must decide that we will testify in our minds and speak the truth of God’s Word over our lives. We don’t have to be defeated from the inside out but rather shift those negative thoughts. Bringing them captive instead of entertaining them is the first launch that we take in securing our minds with the peace of God and reclaiming the mental territory for the kingdom of God in us (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

When we meditate on the Word, we can release the sound of faith, by speaking God’s Word in and over our lives. Our consistency between what we pray, what we say, and what we think reinforces the sound of faith that shifts atmospheres and changes circumstances.

Next Steps

Between the shield of faith and the sword of the Word, you are a heavily armored and astute warrior (Ephesians 6:16-17). Jesus has prayed for you, so that your faith wouldn’t fail (Luke 22:32). Mobilize it, even in the presence of limiting beliefs.

If you need support overcoming limiting beliefs in your life, connect with a counselor on this site. You may be experiencing challenges, but you have it in you to speak the Word and lift the sound of faith and victory in your own life.

“Happy smile”, Courtesy of Conner Ching, Unsplash.com, CC0 License