How a Fear of Abandonment Gets in the Way of a Healthy Relationship

By |2024-09-27T09:54:06+00:00August 6th, 2024|Abandonment and Neglect, Featured, Individual Counseling, Relationship Issues|

A healthy relationship is a wonderful thing to experience. As social beings, we are wired for relationships, and when our relationships are functioning well, they can contribute to our well-being in several ways. Healthy relationships are linked to higher self-esteem, less anxiety and depression, a stronger immune system, faster recovery from illness, and possibly longer life. Many different issues can affect the health of a relationship, and a fear of abandonment is one of them. What is the fear of abandonment? We all must deal at one point or another with the loss of a loved one, whether as a result of death or because the relationship comes to an end. Loss is a part of all our lives, and it affects us in different ways. However, a person who fears abandonment lives in fear of these losses occurring. Fear of abandonment is a type of anxiety that some people have about the possibility or idea of losing someone that they care about. Abandonment can happen either emotionally or physically. Physical abandonment is when a person leaves the relationship, whether they die or they walk away from the relationship. If a parent left in your childhood, that might foster a fear of abandonment. Emotional abandonment is when loved ones distance themselves emotionally, by not paying attention to your needs, or by being remote and not sharing themselves with you. Experiences such as infidelity, divorce, and the death of a loved one can all lead to a fear of abandonment. Not having one’s emotional and physical needs met can thus lead to abandonment anxiety. Past experiences of abandonment which cause attachment issues, as well as experiences of trauma and abuse, can all contribute to someone developing a fear of abandonment. How it affects a relationship How we experience relationships and what [...]