• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, known as OCD, is a mental health disorder characterized by intrusive and unwanted thoughts, feelings of anxiety or fear, and compulsive behavior. As many as 1.2% of the adult population of the United States suffers from OCD. What is OCD? OCD works in a vicious cycle. An intrusive thought or unwanted thought enters the mind and creates an emotional reaction, typically anxiety or fear. To relieve this fear, the person turns to compulsive behavior. The [...]

  • EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a structured therapeutic technique developed in the late 1980s by American psychologist and educator, Francine Shapiro, Ph.D. It has since become a gold standard, evidence-based modality for treating the symptoms and emotional distress caused by post-traumatic stress disorder or other disturbing life events. EMDR therapy focuses directly on your traumatic memory and on changing the way it is stored in your brain. It does not require that you talk about it in [...]

  • Having a baby breaks a woman in a hundred different ways, and when you work on putting yourself back together, you will never be quite the same. Firstly, there are the physical differences from pregnancy. Other changes are hormonal, emotional, mental, and personal. Your perspective on the world will likely shift, and your priorities may adjust. With the help of a supportive partner and community, new moms do not need to process these shifts alone. Advice for New Moms [...]

  • Although stress and anxiety have indeed become major issues in this modern age, people throughout history have had to deal with stressful situations. We might not know how to deal with stress, but the Word of God and His promises can be our first port of call in a storm. Read more to discover Bible verses about finding God in stressful situations. Bible Verses about Finding God in Stressful Situations This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of [...]

  • It is human nature to be easily enticed or confused by the materialistic and fake society we live in. Unless you remember who you are in the sight of the Lord, you may live your life as a mere shadow of your true self. As the world gets increasingly fast-paced, the lines between what is real and what is false, or who is genuine and who is a pretender, have become blurred. It is easy to lose your identity [...]

  • Love it or hate it, work is one of those things that needs doing. Most of us spend a significant portion of our lives working and we do so to earn a living, which allows us to take care of our responsibilities and gives us room to enjoy things like vacations. Work can be enjoyable, but it is also often quite stressful. One of the major sources of stress in people’s lives is their work, and that stress can [...]

  • We all experience feelings of anxiety occasionally; from low levels of stress to sometimes even crushing anxiety. These feelings can vary in intensity and duration and what triggers them will also differ from person to person. For some people, being called upon in class or during a work meeting is terrifying, while for others meeting new people or being in crowds can make them anxious. Therefore, anxiety can ebb and flow depending on circumstances. However, for some individuals, anxiety [...]

  • Self-esteem can be lowered after a traumatic event, the effects of childhood abuse or neglect, or a life event. Your self-esteem can change based on your life experiences and relationships. It is how you view and appreciate yourself. Building self-esteem can take time, but it is well worth it. The Connection Between Self-Esteem and Exercise Consistent exercise boosts mood, confidence, and self-esteem. When we move our bodies as designed, the brain releases hormones and chemicals that leave us happy [...]

  • An eating disorder is a mental health condition that involves abnormal eating habits such as overeating, undereating, or eating nonfood items. Symptoms may vary, but the common thread underlying them all is an unhealthy preoccupation with food, body image, and/or weight that negatively impacts your physical and emotional health, makes it hard to focus on other aspects of life, and robs you of your joy. The 2022 text revision edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, [...]

  • When two people are in a relationship with each other, they have the opportunity to open themselves up to each other and build up a history of fruitful and positive interactions. If you accumulate enough of these positive and fruitful interactions with a person, that usually allows you to continue being open to them, and avoid trust issues. Trusting other people with pieces of ourselves isn’t an easy thing. For one thing, not everyone is trustworthy, and it isn’t [...]

  • When we’re feeling nostalgic, it’s tempting to say that things were simpler, better, or easier in the past. Often, parents of adolescents find themselves saying this as they consider the brave new world their children are navigating and trying to make sense of. It can be scary, and nostalgia can be a form of retreat. There’s nothing wrong with nostalgia; however, it can paralyze you in the present or blind you from seeing the beauty and opportunities that exist [...]

  • If you had the option to never feel or express anger again, would you take it? Depending on your experiences with anger, you might hesitate with your response, or you might respond quickly in the affirmative. Even people who have had mostly positive and healthy experiences with anger won’t necessarily feel warm feelings at the thought of anger. Anger is just that sort of emotion that’s an unwelcome visitor when it shows up. For a Christian who wants to [...]