Practicing Peaceful Parenting

By |2024-09-27T09:48:06+00:00February 6th, 2024|Couples Counseling, Family Counseling, Featured, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Nobody can push a parent’s buttons like their own children. The tailor-made combination of genetics, expectations of society, and general humanness of your children has likely given you many a headache and caused you to lose your cool entirely and also lose sight of peaceful parenting. Both mom and dad can be made into rather fun acronyms such as Manager Of Mayhem and Disaster Assistance Director. But dad jokes aside, being a parent can feel like you are just barely containing a chaotic force of nature. Steps for Practicing Peaceful Parenting With the financial strain, the busy schedules, and the constant needs of children weighing on you, you may wonder if peaceful parenting is possible. Can you ever get these fearfully and wonderfully made children safe and secure without screaming or abusing them in some way? The answer is yes, it is possible. Peaceful parenting is not confined to snippets on social media. What is shown on social media is not a measure of your parenting prowess. So, start by putting down the measuring stick. Stop comparing yourself to other parents. You do not see other parents and children day in and day out. You don’t have the same kids, you don’t have the same problems, and you don’t need to judge someone else based on brief interactions and edited presentations on social media. Seek out parents you admire as friends and support each other. Wise parents know that there are ups and downs, as well as changing seasons. How you view other parents sets the tone for how you view yourself as a parent. By being supportive and generous toward other parents, you will prevent a lot of angst toward yourself and your children. Mom and Dad work together at parenting. No matter how the responsibilities shake out [...]