The Power of Yes and No: Navigating Codependency and Boundaries

By |2024-09-27T09:54:19+00:00August 30th, 2023|Codependency, Featured, Individual Counseling, Relationship Issues|

We all face different seasons and choices in life. Even in these, we have the opportunity to set aside in times of plenty to prepare for needs sure to come (Proverbs 6:6-8). Placing boundaries around how we prioritize and expend our resources has the potential to sustain us when life brings challenges or when we find ourselves victims of codependency. Our Faithful Father furnishes us with aptitudes, abilities, and unlimited access to His Presence and wisdom concerning how to navigate each season. Through this, He teaches us that wise stewardship isn’t solely about how we use our yes, but also where we appropriate our no as well. Though no is one of the shortest words, using it can be difficult. Though misconstrued, we who follow Jesus, need to understand the power of this small and mighty word. With it, we carve boundaries, not intended to destroy, but rather nurture connection and give our relationships a chance to flourish. Without no, we act codependently, invariably saying yes to what things shouldn’t. Saying no protects the parameters that support our relationships with God, self, and others. Although some tend to view dissent as meanness and dismiss its use as not being Christlike, no clarifies boundaries, and expectations, and conveys value. Having a healthy understanding and application of boundaries is essential to our well-being and vital for thriving connections with others. Christians need to have this dialogue and exercise greater ease with saying no as part of our total well-being. We belong to Jesus, relating through the Spirit and reflecting that in how we regard our neighbor and ourselves. It may seem controversial, but our no can often be the better witness that overcomes codependent mindsets and practices. We also place boundaries on our behavior, freeing people to see and experience the [...]