
Bible Verses About Grief to Help You Express Your Loss

By |2024-10-12T09:42:31+00:00October 14th, 2024|Featured, Grief Counseling, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

At its heart, grief is the often-prolonged sadness we feel after a loss of some kind. Sometimes the loss is concrete, such as the death of a loved one, the loss of a relationship due to divorce or moving away, or the loss of a pregnancy, job, health, or possessions. At other times the loss may be more abstract, such as the loss of an opportunity or the death of hopes and dreams In the Bible, God invites us to draw near to Him when we are grieving, no matter the reason for our loss. He is the only one who can really understand how we feel. When dealing with grief, our emotions can be complicated. Sometimes we feel anger, betrayal, or even relief mixed in with our sadness, which can be confusing to understand. However, this is normal and quite common. We are complex creatures, able to feel two or more contradictory emotions at the same time. Think of the happiness yet sadness that can be present in certain memories and celebrations – anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, etc. At times it seems that there is an unspoken time limit on feeling sad, after which we are supposed to cheer up and get over it. Feelings, especially grief, have no time limit. Yet grief is something that even months or years later can sneak up on us and bring us to tears or even to our knees all over again. Processing grief is just that – a process that moves more in cycles and patterns rather than progressing through linear stages. We know the reality is we can feel and experience all these “stages” in any order at any time. Maybe they are familiar to you: shock, denial, anger, depression, and acceptance. As time passes, the intensity of our feelings usually [...]

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15 Helpful Ways to Manage Stress

By |2024-10-01T11:48:47+00:00September 30th, 2024|Depression, Featured, Sexual Abuse|

Stress. We hear about it all the time. We talk about it as if it’s a badge of honor for a full, normal life. But really, stress wears on us. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually, we feel the effects of stress in every area of our lives. Not only do we suffer, but the people in our lives can suffer from our stress as well. Our spouses, kids, parents, friends, coworkers, and even the cashier at the grocery store can feel the effects of the stress we carry. Instead of living a life full of stress with no relief, you can be intentional about managing your stress. It will help you more than you can imagine. Let’s start by talking about what stress is. What is Stress? While we may think it’s just another catchphrase to describe living life, stress is a reaction you have to a situation or event that feels pressured or out of your control. This reaction can be to anything in life that affects us emotionally, physically, socially, or spiritually. When you have a stress response, you can feel the effects in a variety of ways. You may recognize these symptoms when you are stressed. Physical symptoms include: High blood pressure Difficulty focusing Aches and pains Trouble sleeping Sexual issues Headaches Stomach issues Chest pain Emotional symptoms include: Sadness Anxiousness Irritability Panic attacks Depression What Causes Stress in Your Life Understanding the cause of stress in your life can feel elusive. Often, we can recognize the symptom or response we are having, without necessarily understanding what caused it in the first place. The interesting thing about stressors is that they are unique to everyone. What stresses one person may not stress another person. While a busy afternoon of errands may be stressful for one person, another [...]

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5 Reasons Why Couples Therapy Might Be Good for Your Marriage

By |2024-10-09T18:45:40+00:00September 27th, 2024|Couples Counseling, Featured, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Before a couple gets married, they have dreams and visions for their marriage. Couples rarely imagine going to counseling. During the first few years of marriage, it’s easy to believe the other party will change their bad behaviors and habits simply because they love the other party. However, each of them eventually recognizes the other is not going to change. This can cause fights and quarrels, resulting in a marriage that can be difficult to restore. Every marriage has its highs and lows. Even the marriages that lasted the longest have peaks and valleys. No matter what season of life your marriage may be in, it may be good for you and your spouse to seek couples therapy. Even the best marriages have used counseling if they can’t see eye and eye on a problem or want to move forward with a healthy, thriving marriage. Therapy no longer has the stigma it once had. At one time, counseling indicated to people that something was wrong with them. However, counseling is a normal part of a thriving marriage. Every marriage can use good, biblical counseling. Here are some reasons why couples therapy might be good for your marriage: A third-party perspective If you and your spouse have difficulty agreeing on a subject, it’s good to get a third-party perspective. A third party, particularly a Christian, might help you see the situation from a different perspective. Sometimes they can give you an idea you and your spouse have not thought of before. By approaching the subject from a different perspective, it may help you resolve the issue with only a minimal amount of problem-solving required. Outside perspectives also help even the score for couples who have difficulty seeing eye to eye in conflict. Both parties may be tempted to [...]

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Marriage Help: Staying Connected When Your Schedules Don’t Align

By |2024-09-27T09:48:39+00:00August 28th, 2024|Couples Counseling, Featured, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Most couples believe that part of what keeps a relationship fresh and fulfilling is spending quality time together. Therapists agree. Many counselors advise couples to prioritize date nights and shared activities as part of effective marriage help to strengthen bonds. While this is ideal, it’s not possible for every couple. If you and your mate’s schedules simply don’t align, don’t worry. With a bit of creativity, you can still find ways to bond and strengthen your relationship, even when you’re apart. How to Stay Connected with Your Spouse Here are some ideas to help you connect with your partner, even when your schedules don’t align. Scavenger hunt/love note relay Create a scavenger hunt for your partner. Hide small gifts or clues around the house leading to a final romantic surprise. Although this thoughtful gesture will take some creativity and time, it will be a wonderful way to show your partner you are thinking about them even when apart. Shared project Choose a challenging puzzle to work on together. Even if you’re not in the same space at the same time, you can still collaborate on the project. If puzzles aren’t your thing, consider buying a model or craft kit to work on together. You could even start a garden and work separately to maintain it. When the harvest comes, plan to enjoy the fruit of your labor together. Make their favorite meal Prepare your partner’s favorite meal. Set the table with your best dishes and fresh flowers, creating a romantic atmosphere. Have soft music playing when your spouse returns home. Leave a heartfelt note relaying how you wish you could eat together and heating instructions for the meal. Even if your partner eats alone, the thoughtful gesture will keep you on their mind. Love tokens Create or purchase small [...]

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8 Possible Anorexia Treatment Modalities

By |2024-09-27T09:50:14+00:00August 23rd, 2024|Christian Counseling For Teens, Eating Disorders, Family Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling, Men’s Issues, Women’s Issues|

Anorexia is an eating disorder characterized by a distorted body image and intense fear of gaining weight, that causes you to limit your calorie intake, and the types of foods you eat, and to engage in additional weight-loss behaviors such as compulsive exercise, purging through self-induced vomiting, or the misuse of laxatives. However, several anorexia treatment options are available. Because of the nature of the disorder, anorexia treatment needs to address physical problems as well as psychological ones and typically involves a combination of psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, and supervised weight gain. Its biggest challenge is getting a person to recognize and accept that he or she has a serious illness that, left untreated, can lead to malnutrition, starvation, and even death. The ultimate goal of anorexia treatment is to stabilize your physical condition, equip you with healthy coping strategies, and help you develop proper nutritional skills so you can regain and maintain a normal weight. Anorexia treatment modalities There are several evidence-based treatment modalities for treating anorexia that you can choose from. The following are some of the most common ones. Enhanced cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT-E) Enhanced cognitive behavioral therapy is a modified form of cognitive behavior therapy that is used for treating eating disorders. It is considered to be a first-line, gold-standard option for the treatment of anorexia. CBT-E focuses on helping you understand how thoughts influence behavior, and on teaching you how to recognize and address distorted thoughts and beliefs about weight and appearance that are at the root of your disorder and driving your behavior, so you can modify it by changing the way you think. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) The goal of acceptance and commitment therapy is to motivate you to change your behavior rather than be wrapped up in your thoughts and feelings. [...]

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Surviving Infidelity: 4 Effects of Adultery on a Relationship

By |2024-09-27T09:54:35+00:00August 16th, 2024|Couples Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling, Infidelity and Affairs, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

The bond that allows for a relationship to flourish is trust. Trust takes time to develop, as two people experience each other in different settings and gradually come to see that they are reliable in ways that matter. That trust enables the relationship to deepen because it allows people to be vulnerable with each other and be honest at the risk of rejection. Over time, the relationship deepens, and the bond shared gets stronger, which is one reason why adultery is so terrible. When infidelity occurs, it strikes at the trust that has been built over many months or years. It can make one question whether the relationship was real to begin with, and if there is a future for the relationship. This is to say nothing of the deep hurt it causes because of the betrayal and all it implies. When infidelity occurs, it leaves the people connected to the relationship in need of asking critical questions about what has happened, and what comes next. Making sense of adultery Adultery can be complex, in the sense that any two people off the street may not agree on what constitutes infidelity. People come from different religious, ethnic, cultural, and intellectual backgrounds, and they have a broad range of life experiences that have shaped them and how they do life. One person might consider sending a private message on social media to an ex to be problematic, while another person might not. Of course, in a relationship, you’re not dealing with two random people off the street. It’s two people who have been walking alongside one another for some time, and they have been exposed to each other’s understanding of life and the world around them. It is true, though, that sometimes couples make assumptions and never properly discuss what [...]

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Taking a Biblical Perspective on a Toxic Marriage

By |2024-09-27T09:51:44+00:00August 7th, 2024|Couples Counseling, Featured, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

It can be hard for a Christian to open up about being involved in a toxic marriage because there is a lot of confusion about what God expects from our marriages. Many people quietly stay trapped in unhealthy marriages and wonder if God will frown upon them if they leave. The truth is that God doesn’t want us to hurt each other or suffer in silence. The Bible condemns toxic behavior in marriage such as: Emotional, verbal, or physical abuse Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore, Love is the fulfillment of the law. – Romans 13:10, NASB The Bible is clearly against us physically harming or abusing each other. The Scripture is full of verses that condemn violence, which is constantly associated with wickedness and described as detestable to the Lord. Jesus calls us to relationships of peace and harmony, so we are expected to resist using violence even in retaliation for violence used against us (Luke 6:29). This does not mean that we should be content to suffer the abuse in silence; instead, we should know that violence and abuse are not God’s plan for us. There is no shame or sin in seeking safety and help. Manipulative behavior Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility, count others more significant than yourselves. – Philippians 2:3-4, ESV Manipulators try to control or influence their partner’s behavior, usually through deceptive or emotionally abusive behavior. This can include psychological or spiritual abuse and emotional manipulation in the form of threats, unnecessary ultimatums, restricting one’s movements, or isolating them. The Bible helps us understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy control and recognize signs of toxicity in our marriage. The word of God can help us to develop a strong sense of self-esteem and identity in Christ [...]

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How a Fear of Abandonment Gets in the Way of a Healthy Relationship

By |2024-09-27T09:54:06+00:00August 6th, 2024|Abandonment and Neglect, Featured, Individual Counseling, Relationship Issues|

A healthy relationship is a wonderful thing to experience. As social beings, we are wired for relationships, and when our relationships are functioning well, they can contribute to our well-being in several ways. Healthy relationships are linked to higher self-esteem, less anxiety and depression, a stronger immune system, faster recovery from illness, and possibly longer life. Many different issues can affect the health of a relationship, and a fear of abandonment is one of them. What is the fear of abandonment? We all must deal at one point or another with the loss of a loved one, whether as a result of death or because the relationship comes to an end. Loss is a part of all our lives, and it affects us in different ways. However, a person who fears abandonment lives in fear of these losses occurring. Fear of abandonment is a type of anxiety that some people have about the possibility or idea of losing someone that they care about. Abandonment can happen either emotionally or physically. Physical abandonment is when a person leaves the relationship, whether they die or they walk away from the relationship. If a parent left in your childhood, that might foster a fear of abandonment. Emotional abandonment is when loved ones distance themselves emotionally, by not paying attention to your needs, or by being remote and not sharing themselves with you. Experiences such as infidelity, divorce, and the death of a loved one can all lead to a fear of abandonment. Not having one’s emotional and physical needs met can thus lead to abandonment anxiety. Past experiences of abandonment which cause attachment issues, as well as experiences of trauma and abuse, can all contribute to someone developing a fear of abandonment. How it affects a relationship How we experience relationships and what [...]

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How to Alleviate ADHD and Anxiety Symptoms

By |2024-09-27T09:50:25+00:00July 12th, 2024|ADHD/ADD, Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects roughly more than 5% of the population in the United States. That is about eight million American adults. On top of the symptoms of ADHD, many of these people also have an existing anxiety disorder. Whether ADHD masks the symptoms from anxiety or vice versa, the link between ADHD and anxiety exists. Learning to manage both disorder symptoms can help you at work and home. Tips for alleviating ADHD and anxiety symptoms You can alleviate ADHD and anxiety symptoms by making a few lifestyle changes and creating new habits. It may take time for your brain to accept the new routine, so consider creating a trigger. Once you have the trigger, concentrate on habit stacking. For example, if you know that your stress level seems to trigger your ADHD and anxiety symptoms, introduce ten minutes of exercise a day. Your goal may be to work out for 30 minutes a day eventually, but for now, ten minutes will suffice. Your trigger could be putting on your workout clothes after brushing your teeth in the morning. This may trigger the habit of taking a short walk before coffee. Brushing your teeth and drinking coffee in the morning are both habits. Now, you can stack those habits with a short walk or workout. Try the following lifestyle changes to see changes in your ADHD and anxiety symptoms. Exercise Exercise is an effective way to relieve stress and lower anxiety. It can also boost concentration and focus. Aim for the recommended 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week or seventy-five minutes of vigorous-intensity activity a week. However, do not get caught in perfectionism and all-or-nothing thinking. It is okay if you can only fit in a ten minute walk daily. You will feel a difference. Eating [...]

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The Sound of Faith in Overcoming Limiting Belief

By |2024-07-01T13:53:16+00:00June 29th, 2024|Featured, Spiritual Development|

Our words hold the potential to release life or death in all the ways that we use them, whether in prayer, conversation, or self-talk. God gives us the best example to follow, as He created all that we see in the heavens above, the earth below, and the waters from words. God imparted the same authority, as Image bearers and those who carry His Name, to form reality with the words we speak. When we form our words in faith, inspired by our Father, we see the fruition of what we have believed and dared to speak. The sound of faith, that is the Word of God, esteems the authority of Jesus above the limiting beliefs that govern our mental and emotional health. We can see that this is why the enemy endeavors to destroy our faith. It has the power and authority to release heaven's reality on earth. Satan knows the exquisite beauty of heaven and all he forfeited in trying to take God’s place. As a true enemy, he is counting on us to rehearse limiting beliefs and remain disconnected from our true identity. As long as we do not mobilize our godly authority to release the Father's Heart, we present no major threat to his intentions to take dominion as God intended (Genesis 1:26, 28). In Scripture, we see that the devil had to wait in line and petition God before gaining permission to access Job (Job 1:6-22). In the New Testament, we see again that Satan had plans for the disciples (Luke 22:31). The adversary wanted to influence Peter and wants to do the same to us. He will come to shred our mental health and emotional stability with the onslaught of dysfunction that perpetuates limiting beliefs, but he can only touch us to the [...]

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