Having faith goes beyond our spirituality. Faith connects us with a Father who leads us through His words in the Bible. When we have intimacy with God, we understand how we can find ways to overcome the stresses we experience. Faith and intimacy with God are our source of comfort when we have a hard day. It is how we find peace in the chaos of not having all of the answers.

Spirituality is the basis for having intimacy with God. Spirituality is the belief in something beyond ourselves, the belief in God who created all things. Through this belief, we make connections and learn precepts as to how to navigate living in a world of stress, pain, chaos, and violence. Intimacy with God can affect how we think and perceive the world around us as well as how we maneuver through our tough situations.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  –  Philippians 4:6, ESV

What Are the Benefits of Intimacy with God?

There are many ways that our mental health can be impacted by our intimacy with God. It can have an impact on the decisions we make, the relationships we pursue, and the atmosphere we create in our homes. Some of these include:

A higher sense of peace and hope.

Through an intimate relationship with God, we can experience peace because we know we cannot control the behavior of others. We can find hope in having a more positive outlook on life.

A feeling of inner strength.

When faced with an illness we can turn to our intimacy with God to gain a sense of strength that will have an impact on how our body heals. A positive mindset has been known to affect how we heal during illness.

Better quality of relationships.

Through intimacy with God, we learn how to seek and cultivate meaningful relationships with others who are of the same spiritual mindset.

Ability to cope with stress.

Intimacy with God gives us the ability to use His word to help us seek peace and let go of stress.

A community of support.

The connections we make based on our faith can help us create a community of support. We find that we have someone to pray with us and encourage us when we face difficult times.

What is spiritually augmented Cognitive Behavior Therapy?

One way that mental health treatment can be implemented is through a method that incorporates a person’s faith with cognitive behavior therapy. This means that our intimacy with God can play a part in treatment to ensure mental health wellness based on our Christian values. The focus of this method of treatment is seeking our purpose according to God’s will.

There are four distinct areas that spiritually augmented cognitive behavior therapy targets:

  • Acceptance
  • Forgiveness
  • Pursuing Purpose
  • Hope

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.  –  2 Timothy 1:7, ESV

Learn more.

If you or someone you love needs help facing a mental health issue and would like to know how faith can be incorporated with treatment, contact a Christian counselor at McKinney Christian Counseling in Texas. They will be happy to help you decide on a faith-based treatment plan. Through connecting spiritually, you and your Christian counselor in McKinney, Texas can find a way for you to navigate mental health issues. God desires for you to have peace and hope.

“Walking on the Beach”, Courtesy of Dario Fernandez Ruz, Pexels.com, CC0 License; “Bible Study”, Courtesy of Oladimeji Ajegbile, Pexels.com, CC0 License