Personal Development

The Battle to Believe: Bible Verses About Faith

By |2024-09-27T09:56:48+00:00May 13th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

Through successive tests and trials, our lives can look and feel that they have been swallowed by an enemy who desires to consume us whole. When faith has been shattered into indistinguishable pieces, we long for the segments to be reassembled, or at least, have meaning. God is fashioning pieces of what looks like a broken mess into the masterpiece of His making (Ephesians 2:10). Bible verses about faith can help make sense of tough times. Bible Verses About Faith We find ourselves torn between the negative beliefs scripted by our adversary and the fragmented faith that is being forged in the furnace of affliction (Isaiah 48:10). It is a process, but through it, we become more like Jesus, revealing the image of the Father’s dear Son (2 Corinthians 4:17-18; Romans 8:29). While He doesn’t delight in our pain, God will repurpose what the adversary intended for evil and destruction (Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28). The Father reveals glory through our conditions and in our character, including present woes that occasionally cloud our view of Jesus and what He sees (Romans 8:18; Hebrews 12:1-2; 1 John 3:2). Having an arsenal of Bible verses about faith can serve as a practical way to buffer our souls against storms that will surely come. Whether we find ourselves battered by a tempest of circumstance or in a reprieve between trials, believers need to anchor our faith in Christ, our Rock (Matthew 7:24-27). Despite what we face, the Lord will speak peace, quell our storms, and give us the steadfastness to outlast them (Mark 4:39). We can exercise faith and confidence in asserting that the Father will contend with what fights against us (Psalm 35:1). The weapons we wage war with are not against other people or even ourselves, though it seems like human [...]

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4 Types of Communication Styles

By |2024-09-27T09:56:41+00:00March 14th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Relationship Issues|

God has made us unique, with different physical, mental, and psychological attributes. While no two personalities are the same, experts have been able to group individuals sharing similar styles into descriptive categories. While a person can adapt their style to a certain extent, they naturally revert to a default category. When it comes to how we speak and interact with each other, there are generally four types of communication styles that come into play. Passive communication styles – “My feelings don’t count” The types of communication styles classified as passive describes a person who constantly puts the needs and feelings of others ahead of their own. While this can be seen as kind and caring (and it is in practice); the issue is that they tend to deny their feelings, discounting their importance or validity. This style of communication leads to people-pleasing and a build-up of negative emotion, which is not how God meant us to communicate. The passive personality avoids confrontation and challenging conversations because they seem too difficult, but at the same time, this means that they have not been properly understood and their needs remain unmet. They often apologize unnecessarily and can be dishonest about their true opinions and views. In relationships, others will get the sense that they “don’t know where they stand” with them and can be confused when the person’s passive style leads to an eventual angry outburst. Aggressive communication styles – “My view is what matters” It is not difficult to spot a person who adopts aggressive types of communication styles. They are highly focused on their own perspectives and appear confrontational and inflexible. While they are always honest, this can be at the expense of other people’s feelings, and they (perhaps unknowingly) cause hurt and offense. When dealing with someone who [...]

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Mapping Out Your Spiritual Maturity and Growth

By |2024-09-27T09:55:20+00:00January 19th, 2024|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

How do you go about measuring and directing your spiritual growth and maturity? It may even seem as though trying to measure your spirituality is an exercise in either futility or vanity. Why would you want to measure your spiritual maturity, and wouldn’t that lead you to despair or toward pride? These are all valid questions and concerns. A fruitful Christian life requires that you know not only what your goal is but knowing how to get there and how to tell if you’re making progress. Tracing a path for your growth and maturity. What is the Christian life all about? One answer is that it’s about becoming more like Jesus in every aspect of one’s life. We are to have the same mind as that of Christ (Philippians 2:1-11), and the pursuit of a life of spiritual maturity through the power of the Holy Spirit produces certain fruit in a person’s life such as love, patience, kindness, and self-control (Galatians 5:16-26; Ephesians 4:11-32). One way to trace a path for your growth and maturity is to consider if you are growing in virtue, that is, in certain characteristics or qualities that mark a life lived by the power of the Holy Spirit. Desiring this life is not a return to the form of thinking where we believe we are saved and become acceptable to God because of the good things we’ve done or are doing. Rather, we are saved by grace through faith – these are gifts of God toward us. But God saves us for something, and that something is to become more like Jesus, to nurture certain qualities within us (Ephesians 2:1-10). There are seven virtues to consider that can help set your direction for growth. Remember, this is just one way to do this. You [...]

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How Does Intimacy with God Affect My Mental Health?

By |2024-09-27T09:51:17+00:00November 28th, 2023|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

Having faith goes beyond our spirituality. Faith connects us with a Father who leads us through His words in the Bible. When we have intimacy with God, we understand how we can find ways to overcome the stresses we experience. Faith and intimacy with God are our source of comfort when we have a hard day. It is how we find peace in the chaos of not having all of the answers. Spirituality is the basis for having intimacy with God. Spirituality is the belief in something beyond ourselves, the belief in God who created all things. Through this belief, we make connections and learn precepts as to how to navigate living in a world of stress, pain, chaos, and violence. Intimacy with God can affect how we think and perceive the world around us as well as how we maneuver through our tough situations. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  –  Philippians 4:6, ESV What Are the Benefits of Intimacy with God? There are many ways that our mental health can be impacted by our intimacy with God. It can have an impact on the decisions we make, the relationships we pursue, and the atmosphere we create in our homes. Some of these include: A higher sense of peace and hope. Through an intimate relationship with God, we can experience peace because we know we cannot control the behavior of others. We can find hope in having a more positive outlook on life. A feeling of inner strength. When faced with an illness we can turn to our intimacy with God to gain a sense of strength that will have an impact on how our body heals. A positive mindset has [...]

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Pause, Pray, Plan: Mapping Strategies to Manage Stress

By |2024-09-27T09:54:49+00:00February 8th, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

Stress has often been labeled as a silent killer. Its effects don’t only undermine physical health, but also impact our emotional and mental wellness. When we place too much expectation or activity on ourselves, the results of an overload will show. Instead of savoring the gifts that life has to offer, we find ourselves in survival mode, trying to subsist on the fumes of leftover energy from one day to the next. We may not realize it, but the struggle associated with stress keeps us one stressful moment away from a crisis. External pressure that is not balanced by internal resilience will cause us to implode. The lopsidedness of life without margin squeezes our capacity to dream and hope, despite the presence of stressors. Stress builds its own frenzied momentum, frustrating instead of fueling us toward God-given dreams and purpose. Invariably, our lives and bodies, when crushed under the weight of stress, will tell a story of a purpose thwarted, not thriving. God created us for nothing less and nothing different than abundance. As sons and daughters in God’s kingdom, we are formed for lives that overflow with peace and joy. We need to be aware that our enemy seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. Strategies to Manage Stress Stress is one of the tools that he uses, flooding our thoughts and schedules with activities that fluster rather than fulfill (John 10:10). However, we can buffer our souls, building them up with spiritual truth and practical strategies that will manage our stress and make room for the God dreams we were intended to live. Time. So then, be careful how you walk, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the [...]

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How to Find Hope and Develop a Lifestyle of Gratitude in Uncertain Times

By |2024-09-27T09:55:02+00:00January 7th, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

Are you struggling to know how to find hope in a difficult situation? Consider these scenarios: Nancy is a twenty-something who grew up in a home where her parents always struggled. Their power and gas were cut off frequently, sometimes dinners consisted of stale bread and a dollop of off-brand peanut butter, and she was often made fun of for her raggedy clothes and stained shoes. Tom is a career firefighter who commits his life and safety to the well-being of others. He comforts rape victims, runs into burning buildings, responds to life-changing incidents, and sees people take their last breath as a “normal” day at the office. Tanya is a social worker who does home visits for children in foster care and is part of the process of removing children from harmful and heartbreaking home situations. She has seen children dropped off and discarded like they are garbage (even from wealthy homes), which has resulted in her constantly looking over her shoulder and wondering if people are who they say they are. Dan is a war veteran who served overseas on many tours. He saved many, many lives and served with every inch of his heart. While he was serving his country, his wife asked for a divorce via text, and when he returned, their home was empty, and she avoided contact with him. He was left feeling hopeless and alone and wondering what he could have done to prevent it. Perhaps you have dealt with a heartbreaking situation like one of the above scenarios and are currently wondering how to find hope amidst turmoil. Perhaps you are trying to count your blessings but are having trouble pointing them out. When people struggle, they often wonder where God is. When people struggle, people often doubt (or want to [...]

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Created, Chosen, and Called: Self Esteem and Your Path to Purpose

By |2024-09-27T09:53:36+00:00December 23rd, 2022|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

Ecclesiastes informs us that God has set eternity in the heart of humanity (Ecclesiastes 3:11). For all of our quests for understanding, significance, and self-esteem beyond the routines of daily life, we will never unravel it apart from the Everlasting Father. Yet, God reserves some eternal mysteries for Himself such that what we seek can only be found in our Creator. There is a certain fulfillment that He reveals as we delve deeper into the unique purpose He’s assigned to us. He is the Beginning and End, who created, chose, and called us for Himself. (Revelation 1:8) It may present no alarm to us that the same enemy who sought to sabotage Adam and Eve opposes us. He persuaded them that they lacked what they had already possessed, causing them to view themselves as less than what God had already settled. They didn’t need to consume fruit from a forbidden tree to be like God as the serpent suggested (Genesis 3:5). They already were, as God had created them in His Image and likeness (Genesis 1:26). Sin’s effects have continued to filter through humanity, infecting us with the same distorted view. We contend against demonic forces that pit themselves against our God-given identity (Ephesians 6:11). They have influenced our fallen world, releasing the enemy’s schemes to intercept our ability to see ourselves as God does. Although the war waged against our minds and emotions is not a flesh-and-blood fight, it is still very real.  God has equipped us with all that’s needed to stand against the devil’s wiles and experience the settled victory in Christ (Ephesians 6:12). By choosing to agree with and activate what His Word says about our true identity, we can esteem our path into purpose and partner with God to be and do greater than [...]

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Be Victorious and Embrace Self-Growth

By |2024-09-27T09:50:42+00:00August 18th, 2022|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

Have you ever been presented with an opportunity that sounded amazing, but you turned it down because you did not feel equipped to carry it out properly? How did that make you feel? Did saying no to the opportunity lower your self-esteem and confidence and hurt your self-growth? Now consider this: what if you spent time working on yourself, your mind, your emotional resiliency, and your marketable skills? How far could this self-growth and personal development take you? When you prioritize self-growth and pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses, the sky is the limit. Why focus on self-growth? God created each one of us with unlimited potential, yet we place a limit on ourselves. Sometimes we blame our circumstances, childhood, location, or education. But the truth is that no matter where you are currently, you can make a change. That change starts with you embracing self-growth. How to develop self-growth Self-growth is the continuing education of yourself. It is the study of you and what you need to learn to fulfill your purpose and calling. You are born with a talent that can be honed, but you must learn skills. The good news is that everyone else must learn skills too. Self-growth is part of personal development and can serve you for the rest of your life. The following are ways you can start embracing self-growth. Set goals. Where do you see yourself a year from now? Five years from now? Where do you want to be a year from now? Like with any journey, you need to set a destination before you can plan how to get there. Do you want to own your own business? Do you want to open a nonprofit? Ask yourself questions. Challenge yourself. Some of these goals may sound too big and impossible, but [...]

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