Through successive tests and trials, our lives can look and feel that they have been swallowed by an enemy who desires to consume us whole. When faith has been shattered into indistinguishable pieces, we long for the segments to be reassembled, or at least, have meaning. God is fashioning pieces of what looks like a broken mess into the masterpiece of His making (Ephesians 2:10). Bible verses about faith can help make sense of tough times.

Bible Verses About Faith

We find ourselves torn between the negative beliefs scripted by our adversary and the fragmented faith that is being forged in the furnace of affliction (Isaiah 48:10). It is a process, but through it, we become more like Jesus, revealing the image of the Father’s dear Son (2 Corinthians 4:17-18; Romans 8:29).

While He doesn’t delight in our pain, God will repurpose what the adversary intended for evil and destruction (Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28). The Father reveals glory through our conditions and in our character, including present woes that occasionally cloud our view of Jesus and what He sees (Romans 8:18; Hebrews 12:1-2; 1 John 3:2). Having an arsenal of Bible verses about faith can serve as a practical way to buffer our souls against storms that will surely come.

Whether we find ourselves battered by a tempest of circumstance or in a reprieve between trials, believers need to anchor our faith in Christ, our Rock (Matthew 7:24-27). Despite what we face, the Lord will speak peace, quell our storms, and give us the steadfastness to outlast them (Mark 4:39).

We can exercise faith and confidence in asserting that the Father will contend with what fights against us (Psalm 35:1). The weapons we wage war with are not against other people or even ourselves, though it seems like human opposition can masquerade as the real problem (Ephesians 6:12).

The truth underneath is a dark force of varying ranks of demons that are bent on carrying out the aims of the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4). Scripture names him as the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2). So, when we speak God’s Word, we boost faith, and we please God. (Romans 10:17; Hebrews 11:6).

Relying on the firm foundation of God’s Word isn’t a magic trick. Hearing the Word is important because it grows faith (Romans 10:17). Yet, we must do more than hear it, we must obey, follow, and put it into practice on an ongoing basis (James 1:22-25). We need the Holy Spirit to lead us in the spiritual, but also the practical matters of life concerning everything, the mountainous and the minuscule (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Wherever you are in a trial, realize and remember that God remains present (Psalm 46:1). Clinging to these Bible verses about faith or others in your prayer and meditation will strengthen you in difficult times.

Finding Support

While trouble is common to believers everywhere, you may find that you need additional support in your journey. Search our site for additional resources. Connect with a professional counselor who can offer empathy and a safe space to work through and experience greater triumph through the opponents that have battled for your belief.

“Meditate”, Courtesy of Aaron Burden,, CC0 License